Focus on the Positive

What is your self worth

How do you see yourself. Do you believe that you are better than anyone else. What do you have to bring to the table in a relationship. IT is important for you to Love yourself. Loving yourself is very critical because you have to love yourself before anyone you can love anyone else. You should find your yourself and then make any changes to make yourself a better person. Focus on the positive side of life because it will bring you closer to the person you want to be…..

How Responsible Are You…

How responsible are you with your child

How important is keeping your child safe at all times? Do you feel that being a good parent is your objective or merely a goal you try to achieve? There are many women that have children and prefer the wild life as well. They leave their children with a babysitter they may or may not know. Then there are parents that do not have a choice in the matter. They have no support, no family and no help to raise their child. One might say, why did you have a child in the first place? One woman responded to that question by saying that she wanted to give someone love because no one loved her. Parenting is not an easy thing. IT is so much better when an individual has a support system to help them out. Then they could work, enjoy private time and also have alone time whenever they wanted with their child. What do you think about parenting skills? How would you rate your own parenting skills?9

Bringing a New Life Into this World

Bringing a new life into this world

Life can be a beautiful thing. A new baby virtually changes your life. They depend on you. They see you as their entire world. We take care of a child’s every need. We focus on their wants and desires because they are the center of our life. We are the parent of this child and it is our responsibility to guide them down the right track. It is no longer about the person having the child. It is all about the child. This is a life long commitment. Every moment of the day, your child. What are your thoughts about this subject? Do you feel that there is a right time to have a baby? We all see young mothers pushing along their carriages and wonder, are they raising this child by themselves? Do they regret the decision to have a baby at such a young age? Do they have the support they need. There are so many decisions to make. All of them are critical. What are your perspectives concerning this topic. I want to hear from you!